Nursing Scholarships

Whether you're pursuing an associate's, bachelor's, or master's degree in nursing, there are a variety of nursing scholarships and grants that can provide financial support to help you achieve your academic goals. Nursing scholarships and grants can be found through a variety of sources, including professional organizations, government agencies, and private foundations.

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346 Nursing scholarships

Annette McClanahan Harrison Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Annette McClanahan Harrison Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Aird-Lemone Scholarship
Aird-Lemone Scholarship
Cordelia M. (Dee) and Irvin T. Esry Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Fund
Cordelia M. (Dee) and Irvin T. Esry Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Fund
Roderic E. and Cedelleh H. Gillette Scholarship in Nursing
Roderic E. and Cedelleh H. Gillette Scholarship in Nursing
Jane L. Watson Nursing Scholarship
Jane L. Watson Nursing Scholarship
Nursing Alumni Organization Endowed Scholarship Fund
Nursing Alumni Organization Endowed Scholarship Fund
John Sullivan Waggoner Memorial Nursing Scholarship
John Sullivan Waggoner Memorial Nursing Scholarship
John Arthur Buchroeder and Virginia Freeman Buchroeder Scholarship Fund
John Arthur Buchroeder and Virginia Freeman Buchroeder Scholarship Fund
James and Elizabeth Kraatz Undergraduate Burn Nursing Scholarship Fund
James and Elizabeth Kraatz Undergraduate Burn Nursing Scholarship Fund
Alicia C. Wilson Endowed Fund
Alicia C. Wilson Endowed Fund
University of Alabama School of Nursing Scholarships
University of Alabama School of Nursing Scholarships
Ship Island—Mrs. J. O. Jones Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Ship Island—Mrs. J. O. Jones Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Phoebe Pember Memorial Scholarship
Phoebe Pember Memorial Scholarship
Walter Reed Smith Scholarship
Walter Reed Smith Scholarship
Bureau of Health Professions Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
Bureau of Health Professions Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
Bureau of Health Faculty Loan Repayment Program
Bureau of Health Faculty Loan Repayment Program
NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program
NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program
3–4 Year Nursing Scholarships
3–4 Year Nursing Scholarships
Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program
Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program
Army Health Professions Scholarship Program
Army Health Professions Scholarship Program
Future U.S. Nurse Scholarship
Future U.S. Nurse Scholarship
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
Touchmark Foundation Nursing Scholarship
Touchmark Foundation Nursing Scholarship
Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
West Virginia
Eleanora G. Wylie Scholarship
Eleanora G. Wylie Scholarship
West Virginia
Bernice Pickens Parsons Fund
Bernice Pickens Parsons Fund
FNSNA Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships for Racial/Ethnic Minorities
FNSNA Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships for Racial/Ethnic Minorities
FNSNA General Scholarship Program
FNSNA General Scholarship Program
Connie Dorry Memorial Fund
Connie Dorry Memorial Fund
District 4 Florida Nurses Scholarship/Research Award
District 4 Florida Nurses Scholarship/Research Award
District 3 Scholarship
District 3 Scholarship
Charlotte Liddell Scholarship Fund (District 5 Charitable Trust)
Charlotte Liddell Scholarship Fund (District 5 Charitable Trust)
Barbara Forfar Nursing Scholarship
Barbara Forfar Nursing Scholarship
Tafford Uniforms/AACN Excellence in Academics Nursing Scholarship
Tafford Uniforms/AACN Excellence in Academics Nursing Scholarship
Eugene B. Casey Endowment for Nursing Scholarships
Eugene B. Casey Endowment for Nursing Scholarships
South Carolina
Virginia C. Phillips Scholarships
Virginia C. Phillips Scholarships

Nursing Scholarships

We are proud to partner with the Foundation of the National Student Nurses' Association (FNSNA) to provide scholarships to increase representation in the nursing profession and improve health equity.
There are many kinds of financial assistance available, including nursing grants and scholarships, to help you on your path to a nursing career. Visit our complete guide to nursing scholarships, financial aid, grants, and more for aspring nursing students.
For healthcare to work, it takes nurses. That’s why Johnson & Johnson is proud to advocate for, elevate, and empower nurses for over 125 years.