Nursing school accreditation
An accredited nursing school is one that meets and exceeds a certain standard of educational excellence as defined by the accreditation body. The accreditation organizations use the same set of criteria to accredit each nursing program type, for a certain period of time. There are two national organizations that accredit nursing programs.
The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
The ACEN is a voluntary, peer-review, self-regulatory process in which non-governmental associations recognize nursing schools or programs that meet or exceed the highest standards of education.
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
CCNE accreditation supports and encourages continuing self-assessment by nursing programs and supports continuing growth and improvement of collegiate professional education and nurse residency programs.
Why accreditation counts
Attending an accredited nursing school will enable you to apply for Federal and State funding.
Postgraduate degrees
Postgraduate degrees
You’ll be able to pursue an advanced degree at other accredited schools.
Job opportunities
Job opportunities
Employers prefer to hire accredited nurses who are trained according to the nationally approved standards of education.
Entrance exams
Requirements vary from school to school, but for most, you’ll probably encounter one of these exams.
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