Nursing Specialties
There are various types of nursing, each with its own distinct focus and requirements. Different types of nurses include registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). Nursing specialties can range from pediatrics to oncology, and require specialized training and education to provide expert care in their respective areas.

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18 Specialties

Case Management Nurse
A Case Management Nurse creates and coordinates long-term care plans for patients to help them be as healthy as possible.
Clinical Nurse Leader
A Clinical Nurse Leader creates and coordinates long-term care plans for patients and the medical teams they work with.
Forensic Nurse
A Forensic Nurse cares for patients who have been the victims of sexual abuse, violence and assault.
Genetics Nurse
A Genetics Nurse works with people who either have, or are at risk for hereditary diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer.
Health Policy Nurse (HPN) at a Glance
As a Health Policy Nurse (HPN), your role is to aid in the research, creation and enforcement of health policies. Whether it’s new legislation surrounding healthcare accessibility, protective laws for patients and doctors, or communicating with government officials about societal health needs, HPNs are heavily relied upon advocates within the world of healthcare.
Hematology Nurse
A Hematology Nurse takes care of patients with blood disorders or diseases, such as hemophilia and leukemia.
Infection Control Nurse (ICN)
Discover the vital role of an Infection Control Nurse, including key responsibilities, necessary education, and their impact on healthcare safety.
Informatics Nurse
An Informatics Nurse or Nurse Informaticist develops communication and information technologies, using medical data to improve patient care.
Legal Nurse Consultant
A Legal Nurse Consultant works as a medical expert in legal cases, helping lawyers understand medical technology and healthcare related topics.
Nurse Advocate
In a nurse advocate role, you'll be the liaison between patients and doctors, to help patients understand their diagnosis and make the best decisions.
Nurse Educator
A Nurse Educator teaches and trains the next generation of nurses at teaching hospitals, universities and colleges.
Nurse Entrepreneur
A Nurse Entrepreneur uses their nursing education and experience to start their own healthcare-related business.
Nurse Life Care Planner
A Nurse Life Care Planner helps create long-term care plans for patients who need medical care for the rest of their lives due to a serious injury or chronic illness.
Oncology Nurse
Everything you need to know about stepping into the vital role of an Oncology Nurse, including the responsibilities, educational requirements, and the profound impact of this work in cancer care.
Pediatric Endocrinology Nurse
A Pediatric Endocrinology Nurse works with children under the age of eighteen who have endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, and pituitary problems.
Quality Improvement Nurse
A Quality Improvement Nurse helps improve the quality of care that nurses provide in a hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Reproductive Nurse
A Reproductive or Fertility Nurse treats and advises couples and individuals on matters of fertility, conception, and reproduction.
Research Nurse
A Research Nurse is a scientist who works with patients during clinical trials, recording and managing data with the intent of discovering newer, better ways to provide care.
Explore These In-Demand Nursing Specialties
  • Circulating nurse at work during surgery at Bon Secours – St. Mary’s Hospital
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    Perioperative nursing—also referred to as operating room (OR) or surgical nursing—specializes in patient care before, during, and after surgical and invasive procedures. Find out more about nursing career opportunities within this specialty here.
  • Woman in scrubs an hairnet about to receive anesthetics
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    Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are crucial members of any surgical care team. As a CRNA, you’re responsible for bringing stellar communication skills, quality patient care, and a high level of scientific skill to each of your cases, likely to range across all disciplines.
  • Female nurse holding a newborn baby
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    As a Labor and Delivery (L&D) Nurse, you’ll help care for mothers and newborns before, during, and after the birth. Your patients will look to you for information, reassurance and guidance in handling a delicate new life, new family member, and entirely new experience.

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Where would the world be without nurses? They are innovators, lifesavers, and fierce patient advocates. That’s why Johnson & Johnson has proudly championed nurses for 125 years