Notes on Nursing—October 2023 Issue

Five Nursing Pilots Transforming Healthcare

Meet the five nurse-led health system teams piloting nurse-led care delivery solutions to transform healthcare. Also in this issue, a civility expert outlines actionable steps to improve the workplace, plus a new NurseHack4Health Pitch-A-Thon, and more!
Inside the Issue
Five health system teams are piloting nurse-led care delivery solutions to transform healthcare.
Civility expert Dr. Cynthia Clark shares actionable and evidence-based solutions for nurses and organizations to improve civility and promote a healthy workplace environment where nurses thrive.
Cheer on ten health system teams as they take center stage to pitch solutions for a healthy environment where nurses and patients thrive, with the chance to receive up to $150,000 in grant funding!
Don’t miss this special rebroadcast featuring Indigenous nurse researcher John Lowe, RN, PhD, FAAN, who innovates to address mental and physical health disparities through ancestral wisdom and tradition.
Recent Issues
  • medical care adviser on virtual consultation with patient
    In the August issue of Notes on Nursing, find out what five nurse-led teams piloting acute care delivery solutions to support and empower a thriving nursing workforce learned, and how health systems nationwide can scale their best practices.
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    In the July issue of Notes on Nursing, explore 10 nurse-led solutions for common healthcare challenges. From bullying to burnout and beyond, learn how these innovative approaches can result in happier nurses and healthier patients! Also in this issue, tips for developing the perfect pitch for your own nurse-led healthcare ideas, plus an opportunity to submit your solution to the NurseHack4Health Pitch-A-Thon for the chance to receive up to $150,000 in grant funding!
  • group of nurses in discussion while viewing a tablet device
    In the latest issue of Notes on Nursing, get the scoop on creative, strategic nursing investments that are addressing workforce challenges and building a diverse pipeline of new nurses to improve outcomes and equity. Also in this issue, why the AI era is driving the need for nurse informaticists, a nurse leader in clinical oncology trials, and more. Read now.
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Group of smiling nurses in scrubs holding folders
Group of smiling nurses in scrubs holding folders
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