Today’s nurses play a vital role on the frontline of healthcare, serving as the “most trusted” and largest segment of the nation’s healthcare workforce, and the backbone of patient care. Yet, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts there will be a shortage of one million nurses by 2022. This national nursing shortage is caused in part by an increased demand for nurses due to an aging “Baby Boomer” generation, nurses retiring from the profession, increasing healthcare needs due to the Affordable Care Act, and a lack of nurse educators to support the next generation of nurses.
This National Nurses Week, as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing, we’re continuing our commitment to this essential profession by supporting current nurses and opening the door to the next generation of nurses with nursing school scholarship funding. We’re also airing our “Nurses Heal” national television commercials – which feature real nurses and the important role they play in the care of their patients – on both network and cable television throughout National Nurses Week and the month of May.
We invite you to join us in celebrating the nursing profession and supporting student nurses throughout National Nurses Week by participating in the following activities:
“Meet the Future of Nursing”: The next shift of nurses are current student nurses, future nurse leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and patient advocates. By helping student nurses succeed, we’re helping to shape a more positive future for the profession and healthcare as a whole. You’re invited to meet the future of nursing on through a suite of compelling personal stories from student nurses like Jennifer about what inspires them and what they hope to achieve in the future as nurses.
Johnson & Johnson is proud to provide nursing school scholarships through the Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association (FNSNA), via the Johnson & Johnson Donate a Photo app and the Charity Miles partner app. Here’s how you can get involved today!
Snap a Picture, Support a Student: Donate your photos to the nursing cause on the Donate a Photo app. For every photo shared now through December 31, 2017, Johnson & Johnson will make a donation to FNSNA student nursing scholarships. You can donate one photo to one cause, once a day!

Log Your Steps for Scholarships: If you’re a nurse or student nurse, chances are, you take a lot of steps each day. With the Charity Miles app, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, you can move for a purpose by supporting nursing scholarships when you walk, run or cycle. Choose from more than 30 causes, including supporting student nurses with scholarships from FNSNA. Download the free app today at

To learn more about the Campaign or to find resources for nurses and student nurses, tune into the online nursing conversation on the Campaign’s Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest channels, follow hashtags #NursesWeek and #NursesHeal, and check out the inspiring student nurse stories on our website,
We thank you for your support of the next generation of nurses. Whether you’re a nurse, student nurse, nurse educator, or friend or family member of a nurse, we appreciate and share your commitment to the nursing profession, and celebrate the irreplaceable impact nurses make caring for the health of patients every day.
Happy National Nurses Week 2017!
All the best,
Lynda Benton
Senior Director, The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing