Happy National Nurses Week! We’d like to take a moment to thank the three million nurses nationwide for all of your hard work every day. Your passion and level of care is irreplaceable, and the comfort and support you provide to patients and their families is simply unsurpassed.
As we look to elevate the impact and importance of nursing in our health system and the well-being of the population as a whole, on behalf of the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future, we invite you to join us in the celebration of the nursing profession by participating in the following activities:
Read & Share Stories of the "Nurse Effect" : The Campaign’s new initiative, “The Nurse Effect," showcases the positive ripple effect nurses have had on individual’s lives and – ultimately – society as a whole, by sharing real stories and videos from patients across the U.S. who have been positively impacted by a nurse. Learn more about this exciting initiative and read/watch the inspiring stories received from patients nationwide in the article, "Celebrating the Nurse Effect." And be sure to read my blog postwritten for the Global Moms Challenge about the Nurse Effect.
Support the Future of Nursing: Throughout National Nurses Week (May 6 - May 12), we will continue to post a suite of shareable social badges on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed thanking nurses for the important role they play in healthcare. We encourage you to engage with these posts to help support the future of nursing. Learn more about the initiative in, "Honor Today's Nurses and Support Future Nurses."
Be Inspired: We are thrilled to be airing the Campaign’s three “Nurses Heal” television commercials on both network and cable throughout National Nurses Week and through the end of June. The spots feature real nurses and the important role they play in the care of their patients. Additionally, be sure to visit later this week to check out “The Transformers," a new content series sponsored by the Campaign which highlights the ways in which advanced practice nurses are transforming healthcare delivery in the U.S.
Support Dolphins for Nurses: This annual campaign from Nurses House, Inc. and sponsored by the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future raises funds for registered nurses in need.
Donate a Photo: Take a photo, and make a way for it to do good through the Donate a Photo app from Johnson & Johnson. Download the app today and start uploading your daily pics now through July 1, and you can help send a nursing student to school! For every photo donated to the cause, Johnson & Johnson will give $1 to the Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association.
Thank you again to the amazing nurses out there who help heal people every day. This week and throughout the year, we celebrate you. And be sure to follow the hashtags #NursesHeal, #NursesWeek and #NurseEffect to stay up-to-date on all the great happenings.
Happy National Nurses Week 2016!
Best Wishes,

Andrea Higham
Director, The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future