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An Everyday Idea Can Change the Trajectory of Health

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Are you an entrepreneur or innovator? Your big idea or everyday innovation can help advance the healthiest generation in human history—GenH.
Nursing News & ProgramsJ&J + Nurses: Partnering with a Purpose

An Everyday Idea Can Change the Trajectory of Health


Are you an entrepreneur or innovator? Your big idea or everyday innovation can help advance the healthiest generation in human history—GenH.
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On June 19, 2017, Johnson & Johnson Global Community Impact (GCI) launched the GenH Challenge, a global social venture competition aimed at finding solutions for some of the world's toughest health problems to ensure people born after 2011 can live even healthier lives than prior generations.

The challenge invites innovators and social entrepreneurs worldwide to design new approaches to ignite progress in five areas of the Johnson & Johnson commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s): Women & Children, Essential Surgery, Environment, Healthy Workforce and Global Disease Challenges.

With $1 million in cash and other supporting incentives to help six winners bring their ideas to life, Johnson & Johnson believes that ingenuity driven from the front lines of care can deliver profound changes in health.

Organizations, both for-profit and non-profit, in seed stage or early phase, from around the world can apply. Teams must include someone who works at the front lines of care, like nurses. To be eligible to apply, your idea must have received under $250,000 funding or been in development for 5 years or under.

Spark the next great idea that will help change the trajectory of health! To learn more about the GenH Challenge, please visit Registration and submission closes on October 4, 2017.


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