See You Now Podcast

61: Reporting Powers: Insights in Action

November 23, 2021


While the recent pandemic caused devastating loss of life and strained health systems, it also brought into sharp focus nurses’ pivotal role in healthcare and their enormous, and largely untapped potential to shape patient care, rethink how healthcare is organized and where it’s delivered.

image of nurse with protective gear and face mask
Johnson & Johnson, American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) partnered to conduct quantitative and qualitative research to evaluate the impacts of the pandemic on the nursing profession. Get the research findings here.

Moved by the unprecedented stress and strain on nurses and our health systems, Johnson & Johnson, in partnership with the American Nurses Associationand the American Organization for Nursing Leadership, set out to understand the various ways that the nursing profession evolved amidst the pandemic. From the stories and data emerged the pointed Accelerating Nursing, Transforming Healthcare report -- one that offers a deeper understanding on how the pandemic transformed nursing practice and how the momentum of these innovations can steer us to a much better and preferred future of the profession.

In this second of a multi-episode series centered on the Accelerating Nursing, Transforming Healthcare report we go behind the scenes on a “listening adventure” and hear how the pandemic changed people’s access to care, their care needs, and the impact on the well-being of the healthcare workforce, and learn through thought-provoking stories, experiences, and fine details how three nurse changemakers are weaving the needed innovations into their organizations, care delivery, and workforce to Accelerate Nursing and Transform Healthcare.

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Group of smiling nurses in scrubs holding folders
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